Posts Tagged ‘hindi’

Why Learn Hindi with Audio Lessons

April 29, 2009

Hindi is a language that is spoken by about 40% of the Indian population, which means that from the total of about 1’200 Million Indians,  roughly 500 Million speak Hindi.

Chances, that you get by in India by speaking English and Hindi are therefore quite good. As India becomes more important every year, both from a political and economic point of view, there is a need to have a good tool to learn this Indian language.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the best and most efficient method to learn any language is the total immersion method. You travel to India, cut all contacts with people who speak anything but Hindi and you learn real fast!!!

This method is highly efficient, but often not very pactical. Therefore, I recommend you try the audio method. That are specifically prepared audio lessons that teach you Hindi by simply listening and repeating after the speakers from the audio. With only 30 minutes per day you are sure to master Hindi and be prepared to move in a Hindi environment with confidence and knowing, that you are able to speak Hindi and understand Hindi.

Sure, you will not be able to negociate a contract in Hindi, but you will be able to hold short conversations, get by in restaurants, hotels, get directions and exchange greetings etc. This with a near perfect accent, as the speakers on these audios are native Hindi speakers.

To answer the question in the title: Learning Hindi with audio lessons is so much more efficient because you can start immediately to speak and understand the verbal communication. If you first had to learn the written language, you’d spend months, if not years doing that, and only then could you start off. Also, with audio lessons you are nearly guanranteed to learn Hindi the correct way with a near perfect Hindi pronunciation.

To me these are two very strong and valuable points.